Insured algorithms

Algobank is a set of continuously updated algorithms are verified and insured by Algobank Inc. These algorithms can be embedded into other programs but must pay a fee for use.

Continual updates and verification make Algobank a store of fast and secure algorithms. Embed these into your programs.

Algobank brings royalties to the world of opensource code. If music and digital art can be monetized in the favor of artists, so can code. Part of the fee we charge for an algorithm is paid to the programmers who built the current iteration of the algorithm. Since algorithms are continuously updated, new users can come up with faster and more secure versions of an algorithm and start earning the payout for that algorithm. Kaggle with money for code.

Algobank insures its algorithms. If your program suffers a breach or error due to malfunctioning code from Algobank, we will personally pay for damages. In exchange, we take an upfront fee to ensure integrity of our algorithms.

Algobank is managed by opensource algorithms. Payout percentages, insurance payout policies, and prices of algorithms per compute cycle are being formulated and will be completely public.